Channel: Aeri's Kitchen: Cooking Korean Food » Grains
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Homemade Red Bean AngGeum


Red bean paste is called “PatAngGeum (팥앙금)” or “JeokAngGeum (적앙금)” in Korean. It is used for different kinds of sweet Korean dishes and desserts such as red bean porridge, red bean rice cakes, red bean ice cream, red bean paste bread, and so on. “Pat” means red bean, “Jeok” means red, and “AngGeum” means a paste. You can easily buy pre-made red bean paste in a can from a Korean or Asian grocery store; however, it is good to make your own at home, since it is healthier and tastier. I have been asked to make this recipe from many people who cannot buy it. So today, I very happy to share my recipe for red bean paste. Once you taste the delicious homemade red bean paste, you will not want to buy the one in the can anymore. ;) Try it someday.

Yield: 2 Quarts

Short Korean Lesson: *^^*

  • Pat (팥) = Red Bean
  • Dal (달) = Moon

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